Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TP#6 What Boys are Made of

Boys will be Boys

What are Little Boys Made of? By Michael Kimmel
            I felt this piece was different from the other pieces that we have read because he presents more than one view point. He describes the main theory of a number of different books. One group of authors wrote about the boy crisis being blamed on feminist actions. This group believes that testosterone makes make and females and different and this difference should be taken into consideration when raising boys. These authors believe that feminist are working to make changes that force all males and females to be raised with female standards. According to them, boys should not play with dolls, cry, or share feelings. They should play with trucks in aggressive ways and as long as parents direct the testosterone in the right direction boys will be just fine in society. The second group of authors say that females that have become strong and confident in the home lose this confidence around puberty when males are not only taught but are expected to be macho and strong. This expectation forces young males, or at the least encourages them to be the strong masculine type and over power the female confidence. The third group of authors state that feminist action supports male expression of feelings and emotion. I can relate to all of these groups of authors. I may not agree with them but I understand their theories.
     Growing up I was (and still am) very close to my male cousin who is only 6 months older than me. My older sister and his older sister were very girly girls. The wore make up and went shopping at the mall. All the things girls are expected to do. I on the other hand wanted to play with trucks and make mud pies. I would rather hang out with my cousins guy friends than go shopping at the mall. I did male dominant sports. I BMX raced for 10 years with my cousin. It was just what I wanted to do. I didn't know that these were "male" actions.
    Friends of my parents use to ask my mom all the time about how she could raise two totally different girls. I think my mom tried to make us seem alike by dressing me in dresses and putting ribbons in my hair whenever we went. But that wasn't me. She soon realized that I am me regardless of what activities I participate in and she started supporting all my life decisions. She never missed a race and made many sacrifices so I could pursue all and any sport I wanted to try. Her motto became, "you can do anything and be anything you want. And don't let any guy tell you different". I am wondering how many other students grew up as a "tom boy" and if it made them feel masculine instead of feminine. Made them feel like they were less privileged than females that grew up in the traditional girl ways.


  1. I agree with you that the author talked about a lot of different sources which was good. And of course different activites that you choose to do will be labled as boy-ish or girl-ish and if you are a girl and do boy-ish things that sometimes is hard for society to accept which is annoying. It all goes back to the ism's of society still being there.

  2. according Gurian testosterone is what makes boys act adventures. women also have levels of testosterone so doing things that are testosterone dominated is not off limits to women because we also have levels of this hormone in our body's.

  3. Your group did a great job explaining this in class! :)
